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Peacefully Dying Inside.

Imagine you are sitting at a bar quietly sipping your drink, completely at peace without a care in life. You are completely fine with being alone with your own thoughts. 
 There are few other people in the bar, The are group of girls laughing in the corner. You throw a look at them, happy that they are happy. Among them you see a girl, she is cute with her brown hair, starry eyes. She started smiling. Seeing her beautiful lips dance an electric impulse passes through your neurons making your heart throb. Now your serenity slowly starts to disappear and there is an unknown force pushing your thought into thinking that you want her. 
Finally, you dare and ask the bartender to send her a drink. He takes her drink to her. She looks surprised while the bartender points at you. She widens her big eyes, smiles at you and mouths the words "Thank you". Your heart skips a beat. She starts walking towards you, slowly but seductively and sits beside you. You start talking and her voice makes you feel like you are the luckiest guy in the world. 
Less than half hour ago you were completely fine and happy being alone but now you wonder how you even were happy without her. You talk about your deepest secrets and scariest fears, you laugh together, whenever your eyes meet you see the world in her eyes. You can't imagine living without her, ever. 
You both lose track of time completely. After about three hours, about 15 mins past the last call, the bartender comes to you and politely asks you to leave, as he has to clean and go home. You both were surprised that they have been talking for so long yet it felt like, the only moment and at the same time, a lifetime. You make plans for the night, it's going to be magical and you both know why. Before you leave, you ask to wait at the bar while you go to the restroom. She nods, sincerely. 
You come back, humming your favourite song. You feel like you have conquered the world. You don't want anything else in the universe. You slowly walk towards your chair, you turn your eyes,smiling, to her chair.  
It's empty. 
You quickly turn towards the corner of the room where her friends were sitting. They are gone too. Your smile rapidly fades. You run to the bartender and ask him where she went. He replies, half drunk, "I dunno dude, her friends came to her rushing talking about some emergency. They said to her that they absolutely have to leave. She looked very sad to leave. Looks like she didn't want to leave but had to. They were in a rush" You ask him if he knows anything about them, He says "I dunno dude, I have never seen them before, I think they are tourists, They showed ID's of different states." You frantically run to the streets looking for her in vain, there is no trace of anybody on the street. It's long before any Social Networks even existed. 
You don't know what to do, you fall on the sidewalk. You have never felt that sad in your life, you don't understand why she left, you hate the universe. you don't know why it's happened to you. You don't have answers, you are just sad. 
Four hours ago you were completely at peace without a care in life. You were completely fine with being alone with your own thoughts. Now you are sad and miserable. why? what changed in four hours? you fell in love! If you that way after four hours, imagine how you would feel after 40 years. That's the same reason you feel death as controversy even though you don't care before their birth. 
It's love. 
Love is the most addictive, and the most difficult drug to get over, there is.


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Want what you have

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