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when life gives you a lemon

“I am always met with "She’s your MOTHER, you can’t just abandon her like that!” And I am always sure to respond with, “She birthed me. A mother is supposed to nurture and love her child, not verbally and emotionally abuse them. She is supposed to fill hearts with joy, not crush spirits. A mother tells her children they are the light of her life, not the biggest mistake she ever made. So really, she abandoned me first.” That usually shuts them up pretty quickly.“


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Badai Pasti Berlalu

Ketika saya mulai membuka diri tentang depresi dan borderline ke teman-teman dan mereka bilang, "padahal selama ini kamu terlihat normal" Gini, Saya normal. Saya masih bisa mengerjakan skripsi dan bekerja. Hanya saja kadang terganggu dengan moodswing yang ekstrim. Saya juga punya ketakutan yang ekstrim akan penolakan. Ditolak ketemuan sama teman, ditolak dosen, dan sebagainya. Pernah ada yang bilang, "kamu sakit begitu karena kurang bersyukur sih," atau "kurang solat kali lu" Hehe, saya cuma bisa ketawa aja. Wong dia gak tau kayak gimana usaha saya buat sembuh. Saya maafkan atas ketidaktahuan dia. Kalau selama ini kamu kira bahwa seorang yang depresi hanya ingin bahagia, tidak seperti itu. Bukan itu yang saya rasakan. Saya hanya ingin rasa sakit tersebut hilang dengan cara apapun. Termasuk menyakiti diri sendiri sampai bunuh diri. Sering kali terlintas di pikiran saya untuk menjemput kematian. Tapi sebenarnya hal itu tidak mudah. Meskipun s...

Want what you have

Society says when you have these things, you'll be happy. What have you wanted desperately for years...and finally gotten?  Remember what it was like not having it? Now think about what it is like having it. Ready to die happy?  ...Me either. Happiness does not come from getting you want. You'll feel happier when you want what you get. In other words, you're content with what you have now. The less I want. The more I get. The exact opposite way most of the society operates.  Life is full of paradoxes, isn't it?